Own business: dance school

* The calculations use the average data for the World

Dances never go out of fashion, do not lose their popularity and relevance. Dancing is a great way to keep yourself in good shape, have a good time in company with your loved one and / or a group of like-minded people, as well as a fascinating and beautiful hobby. In addition, dancing provides several directions at once for opening your own profitable and profitable business. One of these areas is the opening of its own dance school, which will require from 500 thousand rubles. Costs can be recouped during the first year and a half of work. The profitability of the project during the first year of its existence is estimated at 38-40%, by the second year this figure reaches 50%.

Drawing up a dance school business plan

As a rule, random people do not fall into this business. Own dance schools (or a more modest investment option - studios) are opened by amateurs and professionals of various dance styles. They know the theory and practice of dance by heart, but at the same time they are very far from entrepreneurship. Unfortunately, for any business to be successful, it is not enough to be an excellent specialist in your field. It is necessary to have certain knowledge in the legal field, in the field of advertising and promotion, pricing, etc.

You can organize yourself, pre-calculate all the moments and take into account the maximum number of nuances if you first draw up a business plan for your project. It is necessary even if you are lucky and you have the necessary amount to open a case. A business plan is necessary not only for creditors and investors, but also for the entrepreneur himself, as it allows him to evaluate the prospects of the planned business, approximate expenses and expected incomes.

First, carefully study the situation with competitors in your city. Consider not only specialized dances and studios, but also various fitness centers, cultural houses and clubs, where various dance directions are also taught. Explore which directions are represented in your city, what is the “density” of the location of the studios in its various areas, what they offer and at what prices. Note that it is the direction of the dance school that determines to a greater extent the demand for its services. The most popular are various youth types of dance culture - from break dance to go-go. However, classical and Latin American dances also do not go out of fashion, but in this case it will be difficult to organize couples for all participants: as a rule, such dances are more popular among the fair half of humanity, and finding a sufficient number of young people who want to learn dance wisdom will not be easy . In pair dancing, sympathy for the partner is also of great importance. Therefore, dances that are performed alone are more “profitable” from a commercial point of view.

The teaching staff, the design of the hall, and the necessary equipment directly depend on the school direction you have chosen. Do not spray immediately in several directions. Now the most popular schools with one priority area of ​​dance. On the one hand, the cost of opening them is less than a universal school, which is designed for a wide range of visitors and a large selection of dance directions. And on the other, a specialized studio arouses more confidence among potential students, since, in their opinion, real masters of their craft work in it. Of course, narrow specialization has its drawbacks: their target audience is quite limited, so the cost of training in such studios is usually above average. With proper business organization, he can bring his owner about 100 thousand rubles a month.

Room and equipment for a dance school

In order to save their expenses as much as possible, experts advise beginning entrepreneurs to rent a room that does not need repair and has most of the necessary equipment. Such, for example, are in the palaces of culture and creativity, in fitness centers, in some educational institutions. However, finding a suitable room that is empty at the time you need is quite difficult, and sometimes even impossible. In this case, it is worth renting a room in a place with high traffic (for example, in a shopping or business center) and prepare for additional costs. A dance school can be opened not only in the city center, but also in a large residential area. The main thing is that it is located near a busy road.

Good traffic is not the only condition for placing under a dance studio. Of great importance is its size. So, ideally, the room for the dance hall should have high ceilings (at least three meters). This will ensure free air circulation, so even after a long training session there will be enough air in the filled room. Of course, this condition is far from always achievable, therefore, for most areas (except, perhaps, acrobatic rock and roll, etc.), it is not critically important. But the area of ​​the room will have to be taken into account in any case. It directly depends on the number of people who will be simultaneously engaged in the hall. For one pair, 25 square meters is quite enough. But in group classes, multiply this figure by at least 3 (the minimum area of ​​the dance hall will be from 70-80 square meters). For a very large group of more than 15 people, you will need a dance hall with an area of ​​120 square meters. meters. Especially important is the large area of ​​the room if you plan to conduct classes in pair dances such as salsa, tango, foxtrot, etc., so that your students do not collide with each other when moving. If at the same time add the requirement for the convenience of the location of your studio and high traffic, it becomes clear that the cost of rent can fly into a pretty penny. But even this does not exhaust all the requirements.

When inspecting the premises for rent, be sure to pay attention to the floor. The best option is unpainted flooring. It may not be very new, worn and creaky, but it has a smooth surface, does not slip, is easily cleaned of dirt and durable. If you are not lucky with the parquet (that is, it is not in the room you have chosen), then bulk floors, laminate (only with an anti-slip surface), various types of special stage linoleum or some types of modular floors are suitable. If you are going to teach a specific direction, then the floor must meet this requirement. So, for dances like “step”, a special wooden coating is needed, which creates the desired sound and is elastic enough to absorb some influences and provide safety for dancers and for covering. For modern dances such as electro, R 'N' B and break-dance, a large space is not required, however, increased demands are placed on the floor covering: it must be as elastic and elastic as possible, which protects against injuries and injuries when performing various tricks.

A good sex is, of course, an important condition for a dance studio, but far from the only one. The walls of the room deserve attention. At least one of them (one of the longest sides, if the room is rectangular) must be covered with mirrors. At the same time, it is important that the seams on the mirror skin be as small and inconspicuous as possible so that reflection distortion does not occur. Mirrored panels are expensive, so in many rooms, in order to save money, they are raised to a height of 70 centimeters from the floor. However, the height of the mirror should be at least 150-160 cm, so that all dancers can see themselves to their full height, standing at some distance from the wall. If you were not able to find a room with high enough ceilings, then you can visually increase the area, making the ceiling also mirrored. Whether it's worth the cost is up to you. Most likely, at first you can do without a mirror ceiling, especially since it does not carry a large functional load.

In addition, in dance studios, as a rule, a special handrail (ballet machine) is installed, which is used as a support tool when performing stretching and various exercises. The handrail is mounted on the wall at approximately a height. But to determine the optimal length and height of the handrail is quite difficult. The ideal length of the machine for one person is the distance from the finger to the finger of the arms extended to the sides. The distance from the wall to the stick should allow you to take your hand into the second position without obstacles. The machine consists, as a rule, of two sticks located at different levels. The height of the first stick from the floor equals the distance from the foot to the rib of the lowest student (height can be determined by age), and the height from the floor to the second stick is the length from the foot to the edge of the tallest student. The distance between the two sticks depends on the difference in height of those people who will be engaged in this machine. If you are going to conduct classes exclusively for adults who have reached the age of majority, and the difference in the growth of members in the group is not very large, then you can get by with one stick. The handrail of the ballet machine has a diameter of 50 mm and a length of 1.5 m. It is made, as a rule, of pine. The safety of your customers is key, so you should not save on high-quality equipment and fasteners. Wall-mounted machines of standard models are attached to the wall using rectangular supports.

Additional costs are associated with the purchase and installation of a high-quality sound system for playing music. In professional studios, piano can be used to accompany ballroom dancing and tap dancing, and in the schools of Indian classical dance, appropriate musical instruments. However, "live" music is quite rare. As a rule, most studios use musical accompaniment in recordings.

The dance studio is not limited to one hall. There should also be a reception area. Your dancers will need at least two locker rooms (separate for men and women), a toilet, and ideally also showers, so that your clients can take a shower after intense physical activity. Provide a place to store the necessary equipment (rugs, etc.). It is advisable to use a pantry for this, which would be locked with a key. But for lack of such, you can compactly place everything you need directly in the dance hall - in a special locker or on a wall mount (the latter option will help save space if it is already limited).

We calculate the main costs of arranging a room for a dance school. A square meter of special flooring will cost $ 50-120. The laminate is the cheapest, and the most expensive is a natural wood board. Good ventilation of the dance hall, adequate temperature of the room and its good lighting are also of great importance. You will have to spend another 20 thousand rubles on the ventilation system if there is none in the room of your choice. A minimum of 25-30 thousand rubles will cost a good split system. Therefore, it is advisable to choose an option in which you do not have to incur additional costs. As for lighting, it should not be too bright (so that it blinds your eyes), but too dim light will not create the right mood. Some schools use two lighting options - work (for regular regular classes) and stage (imitation of stage lighting for performances). Of course, this is not a prerequisite at all, but if possible it is worth considering such a possibility. The cost of mirror cladding of the walls, equipment for the locker room, plumbing for the toilet, as well as the place of reception to make in the amount of 300 thousand rubles.

So, the minimum total area of ​​a small school will be about 150 square meters. meters. 70-80 sq. meters of them will be in the dance class, 15 square meters. meters - to the locker room and shower, 20 square meters. meters - to the reception area and relaxation room. A small studio may well be located on 90-100 square meters. meters. The rent for such an area will be from 60 thousand rubles per month (the exact amount depends on the area, location and region).

Do not forget that the room you choose must comply with fire safety standards. There are also certain requirements for the equipment of the dance hall, so only cooperate with trusted suppliers.

Advertising and promotion of a dance studio

Entrepreneurs themselves argue that for studios that have a certain specialization, the target audience is also narrowly segmented. As a rule, these are representatives of the city’s business community. The main condition for the success of such schools is to make the maximum number of their customers permanent. They try their best to optimize their costs by renting a room that does not need to be repaired (for example, from the owner or in a business center), and investing only in its equipment, save on advertising, choosing priority promotion channels and putting only qualified in the first place staff, considering it their main competitive advantage.

The last statement, of course, is true, but advertising should not be completely neglected, since only thanks to it you can attract a sufficient number of fans of your chosen dance direction. True, advertising is advertising growth. Experts believe that the client of such a specialized dance school is an active person who independently began searching and found a suitable school for him, but did not come to it, attracted by advertising. In fact, firstly, for the client to find you, information about your school should be as accessible as possible. For this, outdoor advertising, which may be too expensive for a small studio (however, outdoor advertising includes even a sign on the facade of your school or a banner above the entrance to it), as well as advertising on the Internet (local sites and forums, social networks, website, various bulletin boards, etc.), which can cost a penny, but be quite effective. There is another nuance. If your school teaches common dance styles and directions, then it is not only possible, but also necessary to advertise. Otherwise, you will not be able to break into the market. But the directions themselves are already quite well-known, thanks to various television competition programs. Who has not heard of tango or cha-cha-cha?

If you prefer rare dance trends (for example, Indian classical dances, folk dances, modern styles, which are still not very popular in Russia, etc.), then you still have to invest in advertising. But not only and not so much in advertising your school as in popularizing your chosen direction. For this, it is necessary to lead the most active professional life: to take part in various thematic festivals and exhibitions, specialized forums, conferences, competitions, arrange demonstrations, conduct open lessons, invite specialists to conduct master classes.

If we take the example of Indian classical dances, then in India there are traditional schools in various areas (bharata-natyam, odyssi, kathak, kuchipudi, manipuri, etc.). You can get to such a school for free if the applicant passes through the competition and wins a grant for studies. Many Russian dance schools that teach Indian dances offer their students a real opportunity, after some training, to try their hand and take part in a competition for a vacant place in an Indian school. It also attracts the attention of potential customers, because some of them (especially teenagers and young people) are not averse to turning their hobbies into a real job.

The teaching staff of the dance school

But on the teachers of dance wisdom, really, it’s not worth saving. Their experience, level and professional skill is the main thing for which clients come to your studio. No matter what attractive prices you set for your services, no matter how comfortable your dance class is, if the teaching staff does not meet the declared level, you should not wait for an influx of people who want to study. A good teacher must constantly improve and learn, not only know the practice, but also the theory of dance (including its history), regularly take part in various competitions, festivals, and perform on stage. Finally, he must ... be able to teach. No matter how strange it may sound, the ability to dance at a high level does not at all imply the ability to teach other people the wisdom of dance. But both are important. Если преподаватель не может расположить к себе других людей, увлечь их, если он не уделяет каждому ученику достаточно внимания, то все его регалии и заслуги не имеют особого значения. Такой учитель вряд ли сможет передать своим ученикам хотя бы часть своих знаний и умений.

Помимо преподавателей для работы в вашей студии, которые работают с почасовой оплатой, потребуется также один или два администратора с фиксированной ставкой (от 15 тысяч рублей в месяц) и уборщица (от 5 тысяч рублей в месяц). Точные суммы зависят от региона. Фонд заработной платы одной небольшой студии составляет от 80 тысяч рублей в месяц.

Способы увеличения дохода танцевальной студии

Стоимость одного занятия в обычной танцевальной школе, ориентированной на массового потребителя, составляет в среднем 350-500 рублей, а в профильной студии – от 500 рублей и выше. Как правило, танцевальные школы предлагают своим новым клиентам посетить первое (пробное) занятие бесплатно, а потом приобрести абонемент на месяц (его стоимость начинается от 2000 рублей). Так как окупаемость вашей школы напрямую зависит от количества учеников, то постарайтесь продумать варианты привлечения максимального количества желающих танцевать. Кто-то (например, мамы, сидящие дома с детьми) не может посещать занятия в вечернее время, в отличие от тех, кто работает. Вы можете предложить для них специальное расписание. Зачастую занятия в утреннее и дневное время стоят дешевле вечерних, так как зал и так будет простаивать в течение дня. Численность самой популярной вечерней группы может достигать 15 человек. Следовательно, в утренние и дневные часы вы можете проводить индивидуальные занятия или же сдавать свой зал в субаренду.

Для того чтобы ваш бизнес оказался прибыльным, в вашей студии в день должны заниматься минимум 3-4 группы. Обеспечить такую посещаемость специализированной студии сложно, даже если она принимает всех желающих, независимо от возраста и первоначальной подготовки. В качестве дополнительного стимула многие танцевальные школы устраивают показательные выступления с участием своих учеников (в первую очередь, детей), а также танцевальные вечеринки для взрослых.

Танцевальный бизнес имеет ярко выраженную сезонность. Наибольшее количество клиентов приходят в танцевальные школы осенью. После нового года новичков уже практически нет, а летом все разъезжаются на отдых. Если вы проводите занятия с детьми, то здесь сезонность тоже присутствует, но не столь выражена: профессиональные танцевальные школы летом организуют лагеря для своих учеников и вывозят их на различные соревнования.

Итак, основные расходы на открытие школы танцев составляют от 650 тысяч рублей. Сюда входит аренда помещения, его оборудование, покупка инвентаря, реклама, создание собственного сайта. При хорошей посещаемости за месяц школы может принести своим владельцам от 100-150 тысяч рублей. И это не считая ни с чем несравнимого удовольствия от того, что любимое увлечение всей вашей жизни стало не менее любимой и, главное, прибыльной работой.

Sysoeva Lilia

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