Own business: production of insect repellents

Household products. Production and sale Household goods and household chemicals

Volumes of domestic markets of insecticides and repellents themselves are estimated by their participants at $ 150 million and $ 45 million, respectively. More than half of retail sales (about 60%) are made by such industry leaders as SC Johnson (brands Raid, Off!), Biogard (Mosquitall), Upeco (Raptor, Gardex), Sara Lee (Fumitox, Flayer )

Among Russian consumers, the most popular means of protection against mosquitoes and flies (the share of this segment, according to official data, is over 50%). Nearly 30% are protective means against cockroaches, a little more than 15% are protective means against moths. The rest of the total sales are universal remedies for all types of insects. Since these markets are already close to saturation, they are growing slowly - no more than 15% per year.

All known chemical insect control agents can be divided into two main groups - fumigants and repellents.

Fumigants are liquid, gaseous, or solid preparations that kill insects. As a rule, these are either electrofumigators (consisting of a simple electric heating apparatus and a plate of pressed cardboard, which is impregnated with an insecticide), or pyrotechnic fumigants (for example, a spiral that starts to smoke when ignited). True, the differences between these two types of funds are not as significant as it might seem.

A pressed spiral is also made from an insecticide. Most often, the latter are substances from the group of pyrethroids - weakly toxic compounds that have a relatively long residual effect. There are also liquid electrofumigators. The principle of operation is the same as that of fumigators with a plate, however, instead of it, the rod is heated, lowered into a container with an insecticide, which begins to evaporate under the influence of temperature.

Repellents act on a different principle. They do not kill insects, but scare them away. These products are sold in the form of lotions, creams, sprays, emulsions, gels, pencils, disposable wipes, gels. The vast majority of repellents are based on diethyltoluamide (DETA), which is a toxic substance. In addition, some drugs use dimethyl phthalate (DMP), whose effectiveness is significantly lower. Mandatory in the composition of the repellent is a substance that prevents its penetration into the skin of a person.

Since the number of types of insect repellents is limited, manufacturers try to diversify them by target groups, for example, produce special products for children.

Please note: the name of the manufacturer, the number of the registration certificate, the name of the technical documentation must be indicated on the label of your products (for example, when it comes to mosquito repellent, then GOST 14087-88, GOST R IEC 335-1-94 are used), date manufacturing and expiration dates, as well as in the presence of contraindications for use, their complete list.

Most domestic companies that operate in this market do not have their own production, outsourcing these responsibilities. The advantages of such a work scheme are obvious: the lack of investment in the organization of production and the ability to place orders at factories in almost any country in the world. But the main disadvantages of outsourcing are also connected with this - the difficulty of conducting quality control in the production process, the long planning time of the order (from six months), and the relatively large minimum lot sizes.

On the other hand, the production of products of similar quality in Russia is too expensive. A reduction in cost inevitably entails a deterioration in quality. High-tech and expensive equipment used in production is quickly becoming obsolete, and it is hardly possible to update it every year.

On the other hand, the main advantage of having our own production is the low cost of finished products and the possibility of tight quality control. True, all worries about logistics, the purchase of raw materials and all necessary components fall on the shoulders of the manufacturer.

Another equally important problem is the lack of qualified personnel in our country. For example, the creation of a fundamentally new form of production abroad takes a couple of weeks, and the full cycle of development of an innovative product, up to the preparation of engineering documentation, is about three months. In Russia, these terms are much longer, and it is far from the fact that the customer will ultimately receive exactly what he expected.

Nevertheless, in our country there are enterprises offering contract manufacturing services. The full production cycle may include the development of product formulations “from scratch”, the purchase of raw materials and packaging, production, packaging and packaging, registration of all necessary permits.

The business for the production and sale of blood-sucking insect repellents is subject to seasonal factors. The peak of sales is observed from May to August-September. From autumn to spring, for obvious reasons, these products are not in demand. Therefore, many manufacturing companies, seeking to avoid downtime, are developing additional directions. For example, UPECO, which owns brands such as Raptor and Gardex, also sells shoe care products that peak in sales from fall to spring. Possible related areas can also be called the production of means of combating other insects and rodents, household chemicals and hygiene products, air fresheners, deodorants, etc.

Sysoeva Lilia

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