Production of birch bark products

* In the calculations, average data on the World of Birch Bark are used. They are called the top layer of birch bark, the inner surface of which is sanded and made with the front side of birch bark products. This material is flexible and durable, resistant to decay. From ancient times, dishes were made of birch bark, boats, summer dwellings, shoes, writing material. Russian masters from the Vologda, Olonets, Arkhangelsk, Vyatka, Vladimir, Nizhny Novgorod, Perm, Tobolsk provinces were famous for making birch bark products.

Birch bark is popular now. They are made not only by souvenirs in the Russian style, but also by fully functional utensils and even furniture.

The process of production of birch bark products begins with the procurement of birch bark, for which you first need to obtain permission, and to do this is not so simple. Harvesting of birch bark is considered to be the use of secondary forest resources. When procuring materials in small quantities, the forestry department issues a procurement order, and when mass procuring a logging ticket is issued. It is issued by the leshoz; on the basis of the ticket, the forestry also issues an order authorizing the applicant to carry out certain specific types of harvesting. More details on this can be found in the commentary to article 42 of the Forest Code of the Russian Federation. A fee is paid for the use of forest resources; the amount of the fee must be specified in the regional forestry department. Birch bark is transported in containers; the layers are transferred with porous covering material to avoid losses. With large volumes of production, birch bark is also brought from other regions, if it is easier to get material there. The cost of shipping a centner of birch bark, for example, from Kirov to Moscow is about 10, 000 rubles.

Harvesting takes place from approximately mid-May to the end of June, during and after sap flow. During this period, the bark peels off easily from the trunk. A good birch bark is one on which there are few growths and no cracks. It is best to remove the bark from birches at the age of 15-35 years old - these are trees with a trunk of 100-300 millimeters in diameter - since the bark on them is thin and elastic. The quality of the material depends on the location of the tree. If birch grows in moist places, then birch bark will be hard, brittle. Excessively sunny places are also not suitable. It is best to use birch trees growing in moderately moist, shady places. Birch bark is removed using a knife with a layer, tape or knocked together. For basting, birch bark is removed entirely, for which the tree is cut. A special permit must be obtained from a forestry department for a saw cut. With fallen birch bark is easily removed at any time of the year.

Birch bark is sold in some regions of the country. Especially a lot of ads for sale in the Tomsk region. The price depends on the quality, quantity of the product and the time of year and ranges from 120 rubles per kilogram.

Birch bark processing is the removal of a thin top layer from the bark and further separation. The thickness of the final product depends on the purpose of the material, that is, on what will be made of birch bark, because for each product a material of a certain thickness is required. The last stage of processing is cutting birch bark tapes using lentorez or scissors.

For the production of birch bark products do not need expensive equipment. The workplace should be well lit. The table should have a height of 70-80 centimeters, this will provide a comfortable fit, which is important because the work is painstaking and requires comfortable conditions. For convenience, you should choose a table with drawers to place waste and product details in them.

The birch bark master uses the following tools: a set for woodcarving (price from 3 to 10 thousand rubles), a variety of knives, scissors, rulers, compasses, punches, blades, awls, tweezers, clamps, embossed, ribbon cutter, wire, glue, clamps, staples, patterns, cliches, chisels, mallet.

The birch bark storage room should be dark, dry, well ventilated. The bast is twisted into balls with the white side up immediately after removal. So the material can be stored for years. The birch-tree removed by layers is placed between two wide boards, and the load is placed on top. Between layers it is necessary to leave a gap for drying. If birch bark is stored for a long time in the light, then it becomes light.

Each master has his own secrets of production and his own manufacturing technology. Birch-bark beetroots can be decorated with abstract folklore patterns as well as floral ornaments, as well as images of people, animals, cities, symbols, sights. Products with a unique pattern, existing in a single copy, are very valuable and expensive, but rarely bought. Usually, such things are purchased as an expensive gift, and the master makes them to order. It is more profitable to carry out mass production according to templates and cliches, to produce quickly sold goods.

The most popular birch bark products are boxes, bread bins, baskets, caskets, caskets, chests, and less commonly jewelry. The cost of birch bark products starts from 200-300 rubles and reaches several thousand.

According to the owners of birch bark production, this is a profitable business. A company with eight employees with well-established sales can give income up to 270 thousand rubles per month. Of these, 22 thousand rubles are spent on materials, 3-5 thousand rubles - on utility bills, 112 thousand rubles - on staff salaries, 6 thousand rubles - on transportation costs, 6000 rubles - on taxes. Profit - 120 thousand rubles per month.

Souvenir shops and gift shops sell birch bark products. Such enterprises exist in all settlements, and in large cities they are even represented by distribution networks. Tourists buy birch bark products especially well, therefore it is better to start searching for wholesale buyers in regions with high tourist attractiveness, in those places where birch bark fisheries are part of the local flavor.

Birch bark factories can strengthen their position in the market and gain recognition, as well as form a portfolio of orders for the future, participating in craft exhibitions and fairs of folk crafts, arts and crafts, etc.

    Merkulova Natalya

    (c) - a portal to business plans and guidelines for starting a small business 08/18/2019

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