Your business: how cat shows earn

Zoobusiness Pet services

General Cat Show Market Overview

Currently in Russia there are no less than 20-25 million domestic cats, and at least half of them are purebred. In all more or less large cities, cat shows are held periodically (at least once a year).

It would seem that this niche has long been occupied by numerous clubs for cat lovers, kennels, etc. It is believed that this is not even a business, but rather - rather entertainment. People prefer to invest in trade and production.

However, this approach is only partially true. In fact, the organization of cat shows, especially for a cat lover, can be not only very pleasant, but also interesting and also quite profitable pastime.

There is nothing nicer than how to receive income from what you yourself are interested and pleasant to do. In addition, if we consider the issue from a purely pragmatic point of view, then practically no investments are required for this, and those that are required will easily pay off after the first event.

Answers to the most common questions about organizing cat shows, or the feline FAQ

Why organize cat shows?

There are several answers to this question.

Firstly, the organization of cat shows is usually done by non-professionals - heads of cat lovers' clubs. They are usually well versed in the intricacies of the breed or breeding selection, but they don’t understand anything (yes, in general, they have no time to delve into it) in the selection of premises for the exhibition, the prices of the lessors, the art of organization, in the end. Any job should be done by a professional in your field - and that is exactly what you can become.

Secondly, many ongoing cat shows sin by their “narrow profile” (or, as professionals call them, they are monobreed), and, in addition, they are often small in volume. In fact, people come to the cat show to get acquainted with the whole variety of animals, and not to admire, for example, only the "British" - British Shorthair or Maine Coon. Therefore, the organizer of the cat show should consolidate two or three clubs at once in order to diversify the “menu”.

Thirdly, and for many “felinophiles” this is the highest priority factor, it is much better to do business that is pleasant to you and useful to others (like cat lovers) than, for example, sit out boring man-hours in the office. At the same time, getting income is not less, or even more.

Are additional investments required and what qualities should the exhibition organizer have?

No additional investments are required, and the main quality of the organizer is sociability (you need to negotiate with the owners of cats, club leaders, landlords and many other people); mobility (work requires traveling) and a sense of pace as applied to the needs of the end consumer - visitor of the exhibition.

The main stages of organizing a cat show

What should be done at the first stage of work? Of course, the selection of who exactly will be exhibited - cats.

To do this, you need to contact all existing clubs for cat lovers and cattery, as well as place free ads in local newspapers and distribute, for example, "flyers" or self-adhesive ads around the city.

All comers (both representatives of clubs and private owners of cats) must be counted in order to know exactly how many “contestants” will be at the exhibition this time.

Next, you need to collect the entrance fee - a small amount confirming the right of the owner of the cat to participate in your exhibition.

At the same time, you should be guided by the prices that are current in your city at the moment, which are easy to find on the Internet or directly from the leaders of cat lovers clubs, asking what amounts they collect from members of their club in this situation.

Of course, payment must be confirmed with a special receipt (using strict reporting forms will avoid unnecessary red tape with registering the cash register).

Focusing on the amount collected and the number of cats that is currently known, you should find a suitable room for a cat show: light, heated (when it comes to the cold season), safe for transport (it should be easy to get to it by public, and by personal transport, and in the latter case, parking should be nearby).

Preference should be given to local houses (palaces) of culture, officers, clubs, etc. buildings as the most suitable for such a purpose.

After removing the appropriate premises and setting a date for the cat show, it is necessary to tackle the most creative part of the process - to make sure that your exhibition does not just pay off and generate income, but is also really interesting for visitors. Here the space for maneuvering your imagination is unlimited.

You can, for example, invite local artists and handicraft sculptors so that they can sell their works of art (of course, cat-like subjects!) - paintings, figurines, wickerwork - everything, including fridge magnets.

Or contact the distributors of manufacturers of cat food and cat litter, and allocating the necessary space for them, arrange something like an exhibition-sale.

Well, a variety of contests - for children, or, for example, quizzes on knowledge of the breeds of pets, or contests of poems and stories about cats will only add joy and fun to the event.

In addition, be sure to contact local zoo defenders and charitable organizations, as well as state and private shelters for homeless cats - perhaps some of the visitors will donate a small amount or even want to take the kitten home. So you combine a completely commercial enterprise with a charity - in the spirit of the times.

Pet shops often agree to become sponsors of an enterprise in exchange for advertising their products - be sure to ring them up and offer such a service. In the end, everyone will win - you and they, and, most importantly, cats.

As already mentioned, there are no restrictions. You can, for example, arrange a paid guarded parking or home delivery of participants on a rented bus; You can open a photo corner where anyone can take pictures with a cat. Be sure to open the mini-buffet - and the exhibitors (people, of course) and visitors may well want to have a bite. You can also install a coffee machine or a vending machine selling drinks and snacks.

Necessary investments in cat show business

Of course, to competently set up a business you can’t do without investments at all.

For starters, of course, you need a small office (for 3-4 people - for you and your assistants), equipped with the necessary computer and other organizational equipment.

In order not to order ads in specialized companies, you can purchase a good full color printer.

A fax is required for sending business offers to other organizations and a multi-line telephone. In principle - a standard office suite that can be rented at the prices appropriate for your city and region.

Prospects for the development of cat show business

Of course, after the arrival of some popularity, you can simultaneously engage in other matters related to cats. For example, to become a distributor of goods for these animals yourself (feed, toys, toilet fillers, etc.) or open your own club and get additional profit from the sale of mating and kittens.

You can, on the contrary, follow the path of horizontal expansion of the cat show organization business and reach the level of other cities, regions and even countries. The main thing is perseverance and determination.

Elena Andrianova

(c) - a portal to small business business plans and guides

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